Our Process & Fees

Cost Effective & Efficient

What is our Conflict Resolution Process?

At JRB Mediations we use our proven specialized mediation and negotiation methods to help you reach resolution and agreement quickly, fairly, and with care - whether your conflict relates to a workplace, separation, or other family dispute. 

  • Separate in-depth discussions with each party to mediations to understand perspectives, issues, and interests.

  • Information gathered by parties and provided to the mediator (and other party if relevant) for review.

  • Mediations are scheduled for a day to ensure enough time is had for discussions to reach agreement. (complexity of the situation may require more or less time).

We have simplified our process below.

People taking notes during a meeting

Our Mediation Process for Negotiated Resolution

  • hand shake icon

    Step 1

    Consultation and contracting with JRB Mediations & provision of retainer fee.

  • meeting across table icon

    Step 2

    Separate discussions with parties. We listen, identify issues, interests and resolution options, and prepare you for mediation.

  • person and stack of books icon

    Step 3

    Issues and interests are shared between parties. Parties gather required information.

  • book and computer icon

    Step 4

    Disclosure and review of information. Preparation for mediation meetings.

  • 3 people at a table icon

    Step 5

    Mediation starts after documents have been provided and reviewed. We guide and facilitate discussions towards negotiated resolution and agreement.

  • Feather pen and paper icon

    Step 6

    Agreements and reports drafted.

JRB Mediations

It begins with a consultation!



How Much Does Mediation Cost?

Hire a Mediator, not a lawyer.

At JRB Mediations we are exceptional at what we do, and cost significantly less than a lawyer mediating your dispute.

  • We focus on resolving your situation quickly, efficiently, fairly, and with care. 

  • Overall COST of mediation is dependent upon the complexity of the situation and number of issues to mediate. As complexity increases, so too does the number of hours needed for mediation. 

We are vastly cheaper than any lawyer.

Our Fees:

  • COST for a typical Mediation is $2,000 to $3,500+ per person and is usually completed within 14 days.

  • Complex mediations may cost a total of about $8,000 to $10,000 +/- as they tend to involve multiple parties, issues, and processes, and review of complex information. These tend to be completed within a month.

  • Hours needed to conclude mediation is dependent upon complexity of issues, number of parties, information to be collected and reviewed, number of issues to be mediated, process required, and willingness of the parties to resolve.

  • Retainer fee is required and is based upon an estimated number of hours needed for the process and an hourly fee.  

  • The retainer (and fees) covers pre-mediation interviews, review of documents, strategy development, preparation and conducting of the mediation, drafting agreements and/or reports, room rentals, administrative fees, and other related costs. 

  • Workplace mediations are provided a proposal with estimated hours and costs.

The training and thought processes of a mediator differ greatly from those of a lawyer, making a lawyer potentially unsuitable for your mediation needs.

  • Lawyer’s role: represent one party and have them emerge victorious

  • Mediator’s goal: win-win agreement through consensus - everyone wins.

Stack of books with pen
logo icon background image
Happy Board Room Handshake
Woman on Screen meeting with 4 others

Virtual & In-Person Services

No matter where you are located we can help you resolve your conflicts and create agreement, efficiently, effectively, and with care.

We know no boundaries.

We offer: 

  •  on-line virtual mediation services

  • in person mediation services in Edmonton or within your community

JRB Mediations

Resolving Conflicts. Creating Agreements.

