Articles-Cases & More
Resolving Conflict. Creating Agreement
Civil Dispute Case Study: A Pipeline Quandary
A landowner wants to relocate multiple assets on his property to a different location on his land but is restricted due to a proposed new pipeline location and current pipeline right-of-way.
Judy (owner of JRB Mediations), who was a mediator for the Alberta Energy Regulator at the time, was referred to conduct mediation services on this matter, and facilitate a mutually beneficial agreement between the landowner and the national oil company responsible for the pipelines.
Civil Dispute Case Summary: Oil Field Waste Facility vs a Lake Community—a Tale of 5 Mediations
A community surrounding a recreational lake objected to an oil field waste company setting up facilities near the lake.
Judy (owner of JRB Mediations), who was a mediator for the Alberta Energy Regulator at the time, was referred to conduct mediation services on this matter with several landowners and facilitate a mutually beneficial agreement between the landowners and the oil field management facility company.